I don't want to bore my friends and fellow bloggers with my "funny kid stories" hence the title of this post. I originally started this blog to keep our out-of-town family members in the loop of our day to day family life. Well, as you can see, it has turned into more of a journal for myself. But this post goes back to my original intent.
I apologize in advance if these stories are not all that funny. I know a lot of times "you just have to be there" to see the humor in the situation. Since we only see our family about once every 1 or 2 months, this is the best I can do.....
We have been singing "The Night Night Song" also pronounced "The Nigh Nigh Song" since our first baby, Zachary, was born. Matt's mom made this song up and it has really stuck over the years. I think even my sister sings it to her kids. It is a very simple song which is probably why all of my kids have loved it and started to sing it shortly after they turned one. The words are:
Nigh' nigh' night
We all say nigh' night
Tomorrow we'll get up and play, play, play
But now we say nigh' night.
I believe that my sister modified this song for nap time and so now we all replace the word "tomorrow" with "later" if we are singing this before a nap.
Luke has been singing along as we put him to bed each night for a while now. About a week ago he started singing it at random times throughout the day. Sometimes he lays his head down on the floor or on a pillow as he sings. The funniest thing happened last week.....we were driving in the car and he started singing from his carseat. He sang "Nigh' nigh' night, we all say nigh' night..." and then he flung his head back in his carseat and began making sounds like he was snoring! It was so hilarious. Even though he is "sleeping," and his head stays back, his eyes are darting all around to see who is watching him. So, now that we have all laughed repeatedly at this....he does it all the time! It's pretty funny...
One thing I have noticed about Emilie lately is that she pronounces "girl" without the "r" and it sounds like "gul". She says, "Mommy, when am I going to be a big 'gul'?" It is so stink'in cute. Part of me dreads the day she begins to pronouce it correctly. She has already figured out a lot of those cute mistakes. She used to ask for "Frosted Mini Meats" for breakfast every morning. Now she knows to say, "Frosted Mini Wheats." Waaaaah! She is growing up so quickly. For the most part she is a really good girl. She loves to help and she likes to stick to me like glue. (Which does come in handy at Costco or the zoo!)
Zachary is so proud to know 22 out of his 30 sight words. I miss all the art work that he used to bring home from preschool. Kindergarten is sooooooo different. Everything he brings home is in pencil and it involves numbers or letters or writing. The saddest thing is that in kindergarten "coloring is last" so if time runs out during station time then nothing gets colored! In spite of all my misgivings, Zachary ADORES kindergarten. He runs right into his classroom each day like he owns the place. He loves his teacher and all his new friends. I think he also loves the academics and the routine of it all. He is so in his element!
Here is a list of the kids' current "Likes" and "Dislikes":
Zachary likes building blocks, school, writing, spelling, Wii, the same two pairs of shorts, sweets, sword fighting, wrestling and Honey Nut Cheerios (every single morning!).
Zachary dislikes waking up in the morning, seams in his socks, naps, showers, and clothes that are too big.
Emilie likes dresses, skirts, dress-up, singing, dancing, drawing, talking, preschool, ranch dressing, ketchup, sleeping, showers, baby dolls and praying.
Emilie dislikes waking up from naps, bread crust and pants.
Luke likes cereal for every meal, being tickled, his blankie and pacifier, baby dolls, pushing anything (strollers, wagons, walkers), singing, toy cars and trucks, and being very loud.
Luke dislikes just about all lunch and dinner foods and being still.
1 month ago
well even though i am not a grandparent of your kids, i really enjoyed your stories. see i'm so boring on my blog, all i can ever think about to write has to do with makenzie. :)
I liked reading "Strictly for the Grandparents", it's so good for us to sit down and write about our kids like that, it's therapeutic and helps us remember these CRAZY years, they go so fast!
Sorry... not a grandparent either and still I really enjoyed seeing those photos and reading about your kids. We all share so many things in common with the way our kids are, and that is comforting and anti-lonely to me!
Sis, your kids are just so stink'n cute. I could hear Miss Emmy saying "big gul" as I read your post :)
What a great way to remember our "little blessings" from the Lord. I am looking forward to hearing Luke sing the "Nigh, Nigh song! You will have to ask Emilie about the "Red light stop..." song we sing when we are in the car. We also sing, "We're on our way to Grandma's, house, Grandma's house, Grandma's house, hidi, hidi, ho." Emilie is really good on the hidi ho part. She picks up songs quite easily.
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