Saturday, September 13, 2008

Confessions: Part 1

I checked out a book from the library on Thursday. Today is the first day I have let myself read it. I LOVE to read but because it consumes me....I must limit myself. When I read, my house suffers, my children suffer, my husband suffers. I don't want to cook, I don't want to play, I don't want to answer the phone, I don't want to talk. I do feel guilty. That is why I only let myself read books occasionally.....or I should say good (read: fiction) books occasionally. I am always reading something.....a magazine, a book on mothering, a book about becoming a better wife, a devotional, etc. These books do not suck me in. I am content to leave them on the bathroom counter. A novel, however, becomes my constant companion. I carry it to the kitchen table, and then to the couch. It follows me to the bathroom and rides in my passenger seat when I am out running errands. Every activity in my day has me thinking, "Can I read while doing this?" I know, I have a sickness. I confess: books are one of my addictions. (I will confess a few of my other addictions in the future.) At least I am admitting that I have a problem, right? Isn't that the first step to recovery? Oh, I want to recover? For now, I will allow myself the occasional indulgence.


Cindy said...

my little bookworm as always, I really hate it when we're together and you have a book, it's all because of all your book orders I indulged you with

Unknown said...

Heather! We have the same addiction. I can't believe how sucked in I get and it is so interesting to read how you limit yourself. Maybe I oughtta have some similar boundaries! :)

Laura said...

I think addictions are okay as long as they aren't sex, drugs, alcohol, or gambling. Just kidding! I can't wait for Part 2!

Allie said...

Sis, I can't stand when you read! You really do neglect all else in your life! I have awful memories of us sitting at the kitchen table over breakfast growing up and me begging you for conversation while you slurpped your cereal up, hovered over your book and ignored my pleas for attention. Your poor children and husband! I feel their pain! It is a horrible sickness that you have and I am praying for a cure.

Kristal said...

More, More!!!

Laura said...

you changed addictions to confessions.....

Anonymous said...

I so feel you, sista! Keith and the boys can't stand it when i have a new book. It goes in waves for me ... yes, I have to limit myself, also. I get sucked in and can't find my way out. Facebook is becoming much this way, too. Poor boys ... mommy goes to "mommy-land" a little too often. Love you!