Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Back....

Our computer "broke" again.....I know that there is a much more descriptive and technical term I should probably use but all I know is that for an entire week I did not have access to the Internet. I felt a little lost. I did not realize the habit that I have created using the World Wide Web. Whenever I have a spare moment and there are no kids crawling up my legs, I sit down and do the following: 1) Click on Google and check my email account (this is the address that I give out to my friends) 2) Next, I go to Netzero to check all my other emails (this is the address I give to all the stores who ask for my email address and also to my mom and my mother-in-law who like to send me emails that have been forwarded around the world and back. 3) Then, I log on to Facebook to see what all my buddies are up to (you know, the important stuff like what they ate for breakfast or who has sick kids that day) 4) Last, if I have time (and at least once a day, I make the time) to check my favorite blogs (check my Blog List on the right).

This process can take less than five minutes OR it can take a lot more than that if I....respond to some emails, forward a few 'forwards', write a 'status update' for myself on Facebook, comment on my friends' 'status updates', write on a few 'walls', and if my favorite blogs have new posts - I read those, too.

It was a little bit freeing knowing that I could not do those time-consuming activities even if I wanted to. Not that I did anything fantastic like write a novel.....but I did catch up on flipping through the hundreds of catalogues and magazines that have been piling up. I also relaxed on the couch while my hubby watched t.v. ---which is where I caught up on all those periodicals while he was glued to the History Channel. And I must confess, my house did seem to be a bit more clean and organized. (NOTE: Readers of this blog - specifically, my husband - may not use this information AGAINST me in any way, shape, or form.)

So, I now know that I can live without a computer....for five days. Well, that is actually a lie. I had to use two of my friends' computers during that time. One time to pay bills and the other time to respond to emails I had received.

If you know me, you know that I am very much a "people person." I enjoy my friends....I like talking with them, listening to them, helping them, being with them. I am sure that many people could turn this into a downfall or flaw of mine but I am not going to go there today. I am going to let myself find pleasure in friendship....I am going to indulge myself in people....I am going to enjoy staying connected.....whether that means meeting for coffee, going to the gym together, talking on the phone.....or even through the Internet - I'll take what I can get!


Laura said...

So glad you're back at it, I thought this day wuld neer come....enjoyed reading yor post!!!

cyndie said...

glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

I too am glad you are back--I enjoy your musings, insights, and and tales of the Hall happenings. I kept looking several times wondering what is going on with Heather!!

Unknown said...

Whew! Don't do that again! :)

As for the "people person" stuff, I am the SAME way and I worry about it, too. I hope you someday write an insightful post about it so I can figure the whole thing out. No pressure!

Unknown said...

Oh, and by the way I wrote a 10-page comment in reply to your comment on my post, so you'll have to take MORE time now and go read it! (Two, actually.)

The Tucker Family said...

Hey Heather!
I have started reading it, and I really like it! Just with chapters 1 and 2, I feel like my heart is changing and softening towards my husband! I agree about the kookieness or how blunt she is, but it truly has been eye opening for me and I am truly looking forward to applying it to my life! Thanks for the comment! I added you to my blog list so I will be checking yours often! Blessings, Stephanie Tucker

andrea said...

Heather, I wonder what would happen if my computer was not working...I guess I would find some other way to waste my time! I just noticed your comments on my blog, it was not emailing me to notify me! Thanks for commenting! I will check in with you too!

Laura said...

I'm ready for pressure!